Electrolytic Capacitor Footprint in KiCad – Design and Polarity


I plan on using this capacitor on my project:

This is an electrolytic capacitor (this means it has polarity.).

The datasheet marks it as an SMD,10x10.2mm footprint. However, when i try to select a footprint from Kicad, these are the two options:

enter image description here

AS you can see, the 10X10.2 footprint, is only available for the C capacitor (which means non polarized). However, since I am using an electrolytic one, I want the CP capacitor – with polarity. However, the CP one has only 10X10 footprint available.

So what should be the correct course of action here? Should I just select C 10X10.2 which is the correct dimensions, but incorrect polarity?
Or should I select the CP 10X10, which is the incorrect dimensions, but correct polarity wise?

Best Answer

Compare the actual dimensions instead of the name of the footprints.

The CP_Elec_10x10 footprint matches the datasheet recommendation perfectly.

The CP_Elec_10x10.5 footprint is slightly larger, but would be easier to solder by hand, as it has more pad space for getting a good contact with the soldering iron.

The second number in the footprint name is actually the height of the component, which is relevant only for the 3D model. But it tends to correlate with the recommended pad sizes also.

Kicad footprint dimensions vs. datasheet dimensions