Frequency mixing at low frequencies (with AD835)


I am using the AD835 to downconvert signals from around 1 kHz to around 10 Hz. While testing I found that the mixer behaves differently when using for example an LO at 1 MHz and RF at 999,99 kHz opposed to an LO at 1 kHz and RF at 1.01 kHz – both yield the same IF at 10 Hz, but have different amplitudes. Calculating the amplitudes using the given transfer function
where \$X_1,X_2\$ and \$Y_1,Y_2\$ are either of the differential RF or LO inputs, \$U=1\$ and \$Z\$ an additive term set to zero in my case, I can not match the results (which of course should be equal regardless of the frequency range of the RF and LO as long as IF is the same)?! Just for convenience the equation I get out of this assuming two sinusoidal signals:
\frac{A_1\cdot A_2}{2\cdot U}\cdot \{[cos(\omega_1-\omega_2)t-\varphi]-[cos(\omega_1+\omega_2)t+\varphi]\}
with RF amplitude \$A_1\$ and frequency \$\omega_1\$, LO Amplitude \$A_2\$ and frequency \$\omega_2\$ and phase shift \$\varphi\$, if there is one (at first I generated both LO and RF with function generators with unknown phase shift, later I used a NI 6361 to generate signals with known phase shift).

While reading the datasheet again very thoroughly I noticed all plots being for frequencies starting in the MHz range. In general the mixers I find are designed for high frequency applications. In my opinion at least in theory there should not be a problem with low frequencies though.

So my question is: Is there any reason why this multiplier (and also others that specify the 3 dB maximum frequency and are wideband) should not work for low frequencies? If there are, are there recommendations for mixing devices or other approaches that fit my frequency range (from some kHz down to around 0-100 Hz)?

AD835 Datasheet

Best Answer

I haven't used the AD835, but I would expect it to work right down to DC. (That's easy to check) The two multipliers I have used (AD633 inexpensive*) and AD743 are lower frequency. As you know the output amplitude is very sensitive to the voltage level, so I'm going to guess that your amplitude difference may be do to layout and stray capacitance. Perhaps the 1 MHz is being attenuated somewhat. How big a difference do you see?

*if you can apply the term inexpensive to an analog multiplier.