Getting bad clipping issues with this 3 stage amplifier


What am I using? 3 stages of amplification. An input voltage of 10mV peak or 20mV pkpk into the first stage.

1st stage: NJFET Common Source. Using a voltage gain of 3.

2nd stage: NPN BJT Emitter Resister. Using a voltage gain of 30.

3rd stage: NPN BJT Emitter Resister. Using a voltage gain of 30.

What is my problem? I am getting bad clipping on my final output in multisim simulations. The first two stages simulated great. I got a voltage gain of around 68 from the first two stages with no clipping. I know these two stages work correctly. The last stage is where I'm getting my clipping.

Below I will include images of my circuit, my output/input values, as well as my calculations.

Why I need your help I need to get rid of this voltage clipping. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!




Best Answer

I would start by saying that Vcc is not high enough for the amount a gain you are looking for with an amplitude of 0.010V in your input signal and your gains we have 0.010V x 3 x 30 x 30 = 27V of amplitude for your output signal but yet your Vcc its only 15V. The first 2 stages work because 0.010V x 3 x 30 = 0.9V which in Vcc is able to provide