STM32 – Hardfault on SystemClock_Config()


I have a custom board with a basic crystal oscillator connected to the High Speed Oscillator pins of my STM32F446RET6.

I assembled 2 boards and found out only 1 board works fine but the other does not. I replaced the crystal and the capacitors but I still do not see any waveform from this board. I replaced the STM32 as well but still no luck. The STM32CubeIDE can flash firmware and erase it but when I debug it, it always hardfaults at SystemClock_Config(). The power supply to the board is also at a stable 3.3V. As peripherals, the board has CAN transreceivers and an SD card.
What could be the potential reasons for the failure of this board?

Best Answer

Turns out, it was a soldering issue indeed. A couple of MCU pins had no solder contact and it is fixed now. Thanks for the inputs everyone!

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