Open-Loop Synchronous Buck Converter – Accuracy Using Gate Driver IC

dc/dc convertergate-drivingmosfet-driversynchronous

I've designed a synchronous buck converter using a gate driver IC and two MOSFETs. I have 10 mH and 6.6 uF capacitor at the output as described in the attachment. I am providing 15 V as an input to the converter through connector P1. I am also running at 20 kHz of switching frequency. How accurate is the open loop measurement supposed to be? I expected about 7.5 V when I configure duty cycle wit 50% and ripple current & voltage to be around 1%. Load is fixed as 75 Ω. But the actual measurement of output voltage of the converter is around 6 V which is about 40% of input. I've tried to vary duty cycle but similar result. I don't get any closer value compared to my calculations and this gets worse when I increase duty cycle up to 70%. I do have a closed-loop with ADC then feed back to MCU later but I came across about this when I was testing an open-loop configuration. Is this expected behavior? Also, how should I remove the spike appearing at the switching node when turned on? Please see below for scope images.

Expected (calculated) results with 20 kHz and 50% duty cycle :

  • I_out = 100 mA
  • V_out = 7.5 V

Open loop testing with no load result:

  • Yellow = switching node before inductor

  • Blue = Vgs upper MOSFET

  • Green = Vgs lower MOSFET

  • No issue at the output. I see what I expected when there is no load.
    enter image description here

With 75 Ω load with 50% duty cycle:

  • Yellow = node at output capacitor (after inductor)
  • Red = inductor current
    enter image description here

With 75 Ω load with increased duty cycle (62%):

  • Yellow = node at output capacitor (after inductor)
  • Red = inductor current
    enter image description here

Spikes at switching node before inductor:

  • Red = inductor current

  • Yellow = voltage at switching node (before inductor)

enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

Open loop and accuracy don't really go together.

With inductors often having 20% tolerances, on-resistances and switching speeds of transistors bring very temperature dependent and the properties of output capacitors not being much more precise, if say your 70% error is still much, but not unexpected. I would take a guess and assume you're using a model that neglects parasitics in the inductor and MOSFETs.

From the schematic, and in and output specs, I'd say designing this as open loop system is a mistake, even if you don't need accuracy. Feedback is essentially free in terms of circuit complexity and solves a lot of issues at once.