How does analog radar signals encode two dimensions


I understand how (one of the) principle(s) of RADAR works: send a signal, record the received scattering copy off the target, and measure the elapsing time. You might need to consider Doppler effects, but let's not worry about this. But this signal only gives you a topography of a single point. How can an analog RADAR obtain a topography map (per pulse) that has finite 2D area?

I know the pulse spreads spherically as it propagates, and so is the scattering copy, but still the antenna will receive one signal — how can it tell which is which?

EDIT: To be more specific: Suppose your radar is in an airplane and directed downwards. It sends a pulse. On ground, there are two objects -cars, for instance- separated by distance x, and each of diameter d. When the pulse reflects off the two cars and reach the RADAR, how is the x and y axis differentiated? I'd assume the antenna lump sums everything into one energy pulse, thus losing all spatial details. This should not be an issue, however, in case of one object only.

Best Answer

The radar signal encodes only one thing: The amount of energy received from objects at various distances from the antenna. To get information about the placement of those objects in dimensions perpendicular to the radar beam, you need to scan it, either mechanically or electrically (phased array).