How does one calculate the input impedance of a tube based preamp


I'm finding tons of information and equations on calculating this for solid state devices, but nothing for good old fashion particle accelerator based amplifiers 😛

Currently I'm revamping the K270 guitar preamp to use components that are readily available. See the original design here:

This is my current progress:

Here is a snapshot at the time of writing this:
JAN 6418 tube Preamp

The problem I think I might run into is that my guitar's pizeo pickup requires a ridiculously high input impedance on the other side of the cable. I've been reading about jfet based piezo preamps and it's not uncommon to see people have 5 – 10 mohm input impedances on their piezo preamps.

1) How do I go about figuring out what the input impedance of my current circuit is?

2) How do I raise it if necessary?

Best Answer

The input impedance is almost entirely set by R2/R1, so it's about 47K || 1M or about 47K.

You can increase R2, for example to 5M and leave out R1.

A tube behaves much like a JFET (which, in turn, is like a depletion-mode MOSFET with a diode from gate to source).