How does the force given by bi-polar stepper motor relate to the delay between the steps

atxmegastepper motortorque

We are using the following Bi-polar motor.(Haydon Kerk 25343-05).

You will find the specs of the motor in the above link.
There is a micro-controller which drives the motor. The motor is rotating in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions with the below pattern given at the micro-controller GPIOs.

0101->1001->1010->0110->0101… the motor will rotate one direction and for

0101->0110->1010->1001->0101… it will go the other way.

If I add a delay between steps, it rotates slower. But does it increase the force exerted by the motor or decrease the force? How is the force given by the motor relate to the delay between the steps?

Best Answer

If you look at the "Resources" tab on the URL you provided, you will find the link for the Performance Curve pdf.

Look at the "Thrust vs full steps per second" graph, I copied the image here:

enter image description here

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