FPGA ASIC – How is Clock Gating Physically Achieved Inside an FPGA or ASIC?


It is bad idea to add logic gates in clock signal path. How is clock gating achieve in FPGA and ASIC designs and how does it prevent glitch in the output signal i.e the gated clock as it is enabled or disabled?

Best Answer

Is it a bad idea to gate clocks? It depends.

In the ASIC there’s well-understood timing for clock paths, so it’s reasonable to instance a standard cell on the clock tree to gate a sub-region’s clock. On ASIC then, not only is clock gating not ‘a bad idea’, it’s widely used as a means to save power.

Not so much with the FPGA. In fact, it’s never a good idea to create gated clocks directly out of FPGA fabric logic; the synthesis tools will warn you about it if not outright forbid it. Why? The resulting inserted skew becomes impossible to manage at higher frequencies, even if the gated clock doesn’t glitch (which it will without careful design.)

This brings up a common issue: modeling ASIC clock gating on FPGAs. It isn’t really feasible to just define the clock gate in HDL and hope for the best. It needs special handing.

You can model ASIC-like gated-clock behavior in your FPGA using clock-enable flops for your synchronous blocks. This can be dealt with as a synthesis option in your flow, which will identify the gated clock domain and convert its flops to FDCEs. Vivado example: https://support.xilinx.com/s/article/982650?language=en_US

Some FPGAs do support clock gating, using dedicated clock gate resources with predictable timing and glitch-free behavior. More here from Xilinx (look for BUFGCE): https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/user_guides/ug572-ultrascale-clocking.pdf ; other FPGAs will be similar.

Note that with BUFGCE, you’re still obliged to meet clock setup/hold from clock enable to clock rising edge. Still, that’s an easier constraint to meet than making an asynchronous clock gate out of fabric logic. If you’re modeling an ASIC you have to account for the difference between BUFGCE and whatever standard cell you’re using in the ASIC.

Finally, you asked how clock gating is actually done. Tl, dr: the enable is latched to prevent disturbing the clock pulse with a glitch. More here: https://anysilicon.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-clock-gating/