How much Should a Diode Read on a Multi Meter


I'm trying to self learn all this stuff as I am a programmer not a engineer by trade So any help will be great.

I have a Samsung TV Model : UA46B7000WF

The Problem is that the TV blew a fuse which i then replaced and then that fuse blew to, so I decided to check the diode on the power board (Image Below) so One Diode Read 465 and One Read 467 so here are the things I am wondering:

  • Has the diode shorted? I was watching a couple of Youtube videos and it said that it should be between 500 and above and other places 400 and below so I am not sure if it has shorted or not

  • Is there some sort of chart available that I can use and learn to check what each diode, register, capacitor should read on a Multi Meter? I am trying to learn and understand any good learning resources will be great


Samsung Power Board Image

Best Answer

The answer depends on the type & condition of the diode you measure. Typically, a good, forward-biased silicon diode will have a voltage drop measurement of 0.5V to 0.8V.
A good, forward-biased germanium diode will have a voltage drop measurement of 0.2V to 0.3V.

It's usually best to test the diode out of circuit.
You should also test the diode in both directions to ensure that it blocks current in one direction (i.e. shows no voltage drop (i.e. 0V) when the diode is reversed-biased).