How-To: Bridge 2 Pins Without Soldering


I need to bridge two pairs of pins together on an Xbox 360 AV adapter, and the most common method is to solder them together (to fix a rebooting issue). I don't mind doing this, but I'd like to create a video tutorial for other 360 owners that have the same problem, and not every 360 owner knows how to solder.

With that said, is there a way to bridge a connection without soldering (in a way that's easy enough for everyday folks).

Here's a picture of the AV Adapter (minus the casing so you can see the wires and pins)

enter image description here

Image courtesy of this guide I found for what pins to solder.

Best Answer

If there are holes in pins - you can put piece of uninsulated copper wire inside and jam it hard with aluminium foil ball/balls.