How to calculate total resistance in circuit with parallel and series resistors connected


A battery of EMF 8.0 V and internal resistance r = 1.0 – is connected to an external circuit as shown:

I need to find out the total resistence and my problem is that I dont know which resistors consider parallel and which are in series as there is connection for 3ohm resistor after 1st resistor which confuses me. Answer I got is that the total resistance is 15ohms could anyone confirm it? Or point out where I went wrong?

Best Answer

Start with the part that's easy, and work your way out. 6 ohms in parallel with 12 ohms is 4 ohms. 4 ohms in series with 2 ohms is 6 ohms. 6 ohms in parallel with 3 ohms is 2 ohms. 1 ohm in series with 2 ohms in series with 4 ohms in series with 1 ohm is 8 ohms.

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