How to design batteryless circuits with power harvesting


I'm designing a PCB with
– Micro-controller
– Accelerometer
– WiFi/Bluetooth

Is it possible to run this board without any external batteries. I was looking at power harvesting modules, assuming the chips are ultra-low power. From my understanding, NXP offers NFC chips with embedded power harvesting capabilities capable of powering low power MCU.

Appreciate any suggestions.

Best Answer

Here is my guess regarding power harvesting: If you would make the power harvesting antenna reasonably large and have it always right next to a WiFi accesspoint or next to any other transmitter and these are operating 24/7 then yes, it can probably be done.

But for any practical application that you could place anywhere so not near to anything transmitting radio waves all the time: NO, there will not be enough energy available to do anything usefull.

You, like many others, are grossly overestimating how much energy you can "harvest" in a practical scenario. You also may want to have a look at this video.