How to shift resistance range of Linear Potentiometers by X ohms in the Positive or Negative direction


For example, I have a 10k ohm (linear) Thumbwheel Potentiometer. This POT will produce values from 0 to 10k when reading its resistance.

Positive Shift

  • How do I shift resistance range values by X ohms in the
    positive direction? E.g. a 10k POT will yield a new range of: 10 to 10,010 ohm, shifted by 10 ohms?

    enter image description here

Since I am using an Arduino, I could programmatically scale the resistance value. But I do not want to do that.

Negative Shift

  • How do I shift resistance value range by X ohms in the negative
    direction? E.g. a 10k POT will yield a new range of: -10 to 9990 ohm,
    shifted by 10 ohms?

Best Answer

If you want to have your potentiometer going from 10k to 20k, simply hook a 10k after the potentiometer (e.g. where you get your changed Voltage).

Formula: Potentiometer range: From x to 10k+x: Add a resistor of x to the potentiometer. If you want to extend the range, then you have to use another approach.