I need help in starting this 7segment from 0


I am making a control system as my project. Here i have used 2 555 timers one in monostable and the other sin astable. The monostable outputs when process one button is pushed and this also triggers the astable 555 timer. The 7 seg attched to the monostable 555 which is the left one shows how many times the process is initiated and the 7seg with astable 555 shows time taken for the process. Now when i start the monostable 555 the astable 555 starts but it counts from 1 not 0. And also i would like to add that when the process 1 button is pressed again the 7 seg attached to the astable 555 resets and starts from 0 again.

enter image description here
Image of circuit before simulation.

enter image description here
Image of circuit after simulation. As can be seen it is starting from 1.

Best Answer

It's worse than the simulation- those counters will start at more-or-less random numbers at power up. Also you must not leave the reset inputs floating.

Connect the MR inputs (pin 15) to an active-high reset signal to reset the counters to zero.