Import alternative stepper motor in the fritzing sketch

arduinostepper motor

I have a question, which is on the usage of Fritzing. I'm trying to sketch up a robot I have made. I want make a proper sketch, which I can send to a manufacture.

I found a stepper motor used in this sketch. I cannot find the same stepper motor in the core package of components, that is default with the Fritzing download.

Could someone tell my were to find these extra components and how to import them into Fritzing?

I know the question is not directly about electrical engineering, but I consider it to be an important part, so I still ask the question here!

Best Answer

Adding new parts in Fritzing is quite easy - just choose the "Import.." options from the menu in the parts bin. You would be looking for a *.fzbz file to load. And when all else fails, its actually not to hard to create your own part (hardest part is navigating the documentation).

But first you need something to import of course. The stepper motor you linked to looks similar to ones that go by various manufacturer part numbers, like the Adafruit #858. Another common unit is the 28BYJ-48 - just google that and you'll find many suppliers.

Then find the Fritzing parts. Adafruit have stepper motor part in the Adafruit Fritzing library. That may be close to your actual unit, but I think the wiring is different to the 28BYJ-48.

To get the wiring correct, I actually made my own 28BYJ-48; it's available in the X113647Stepper repo on GitHub (along with a part for the X113647 stepper driver board, which is also quite common but I hadn't found elsewhere).

X113647 and 28BYJ-48