Interfacing Keypad to PIC16F877A


I am interfacing a 3X4 keypad to PIC16f877a uC on PORTD as:
enter image description here

In the first half of the C program I have set first four pins to Input (From LSB-RD0) and others to Output and store the value in a variable and in other half I have set last four pins to Input and others to Output and stored its value into another variable I have called this function in a continuous loop to get a pressed key.
The code is as follows:

int getKey(void)
    int toRet = 0;
    int firstHalf = 0, secHalf = 0; 
    TRISD = 15, PORTD = 240;
    firstHalf = PORTD;
    TRISD = 240, PORTD = 15;
    secHalf = PORTD;
    switch (-((firstHalf + secHalf)-255))
        case 20: toRet = 7;   break; //1
        case 36: toRet = 8;   break; //2
        case 68: toRet = 9;   break; //3
        case 18: toRet = 4;   break; //4
        case 34: toRet = 5;   break; //5
        case 66: toRet = 6;   break; //6
        case 17: toRet = 1;   break; //7
        case 33: toRet = 2;   break; //8
        case 65: toRet = 3;   break; //9
        case 40: toRet = 0;   break; //0
        case 24: toRet = 10;  break; //*
        case 72: toRet = 11;  break; //#
        default: toRet = 255; break; //null
    return toRet;

The code is running fine on simulator but not on hardware it even doesn't generate any random key pressed. I am not using any pull up or pull down resistor because I think it may disturb the input mechanism.
What should I do to solve this problem?

EDIT: After abdullah kahraman's answer I tried adding pull down resistors of 10k ohm on all keypad pins but the problem is stil the same. Also in simulation (Proteus ISIS simulator) the code runs fine with a warning Logic contention detected on net on both pins input and output(+5V from uC) at that time. I am not using any pull resistor in simulation.

Best Answer

The switch statement looks overly complicated, and at least to me wasn't immediately obvious what it was doing. I would go with a more straightforward implementation.

Like Abdullah said, delays after you set TRISD and PORTD registers may help, as well as debouncing the input.

Finally, I would get a o-scope and/or multimeter to probe on these pins to make sure everything is connected properly, toggling as expected, and make sure the keypad behaves as expected.


I noticed that there are internal Schmitt Triggers on PORTD inputs that are enabled by default. This will inject some latency, though I'm not sure how much, as the datasheet doesn't say.


Added hard delays before sampling and capacitive charge removal

int getKey(void)
    // Like Abdullah said, these can be bytes
    // Also, you can save image space by not initializing these
    unsigned char toRet;
    unsigned char firstHalf, secHalf;

    // Clear lines (attempt to get rid of capacitive charge)
    TRISD     = 0xff; // Hop off
    PORTD     = 0x00; // Prepare to drive low
    TRISD     = 0x00; // Drive all lines
    __delay_us(10000);// Wait arbitrary about of time
    TRISD     = 0xff; // Stop driving while we change values

    // Drive first half
    PORTD     = 0xf0;
    TRISD     = 0x0f; // Hex makes things easier to read
    firstHalf = (PORTD & 0x0f) >> 0; // Mask only the stuff we care about
    TRISD     = 0xff;

    // Clear lines
    PORTD     = 0x00;
    TRISD     = 0x00;
    TRISD     = 0xff;

    // Drive second half
    PORTD     = 0x0f;
    TRISD     = 0xf0;
    secHalf   = (PORTD & 0xf0) >> 4; // Mask only the stuff we care about
                                     // and shift the nibble we care about down
    TRISD     = 0xff;

    // Simple selection logic
    // Keep in mind that if multiple keys are pressed, this function will return "null"
    switch (firstHalf) {
        case 0x1:
            switch (secHalf) {
                case 0x1: toRet =   7; break; //1
                case 0x2: toRet =   8; break; //2
                case 0x4: toRet =   9; break; //3
                default:  toRet = 255; break; //null
        case 0x2:
            switch (secHalf) {
                case 0x1: toRet =   4; break; //4
                case 0x2: toRet =   5; break; //5
                case 0x4: toRet =   6; break; //6
                default:  toRet = 255; break; //null
        case 0x4:
            switch (secHalf) {
                case 0x1: toRet =   1; break; //7
                case 0x2: toRet =   2; break; //8
                case 0x4: toRet =   3; break; //9
                default:  toRet = 255; break; //null
        case 0x8:
            switch (secHalf) {
                case 0x1: toRet =  10; break; //*
                case 0x2: toRet =   0; break; //9
                case 0x4: toRet =  11; break; //#
                default:  toRet = 255; break; //null
        default:          toRet = 255; break; //null
    return toRet;