Is a charred resistor open or short


I've a problem where I should expect how a circuit will behave with a charred resistor. So should I consider this resistor a connecting wire or an open switch?

Best Answer

When resistors overheat, a variety of things can happen, some of which will increase resistance and some of which will decrease resistance--typically by creating alternate current paths. Overheated resistors are not particularly likely to ever represent a "dead short", but high-value resistors may have their resistance drop by multiple orders of magnitude. Note that subjecting a resistor to sustained moderate overloading may yield very different behavior from subjecting it to severe overvoltage conditions. If an overvoltage condition causes an arc within a resistor's insulating material, the resistance may be greatly reduced as long as the arc is sustained, and the susceptibility to arcing may be permanently reduced, even if the resistance under low-voltage conditions is relatively unaffected.