Is that single triangle a tri-state logic symbol or an AND gate

microcontrollersymbol [~]

Currently I'm a bit confused about that single triangle from that schematics used by an AVR-Microcontroller.
Currently I've figured out, that the:

  • DDRx
    is on the AVR an configuration-Register (What is IN, what is OUT)
  • PORTx
    is on the AVR a register for writing or setting the Pull-Up-Register.
  • PINx
    is on the AVR a register for read-only

So the next step for me is to understand that triangle. I've searched for that and found similar symbols. One was an AND-Gate and the otherone a tri-state-logic (buffer). Has somebody an idea what kind of job the triangle implements?

enter image description here

Best Answer

A triangle is basically an amplifier. In digital circuits it signifies a buffer (or inverter, if there's a small blob on its input or output).

In this case it's controlled (turned on or off) by DDRx.N. You would turn it OFF if you wanted to use the pin as an input. As the other answers say, this structure is called a tri-state buffer, where the three output states are '1', '0' and 'Z' (undriven, or off).