Is My Microphone Capsule Dead?


I am using a JLI2555 microphone capsule. I tried making a circuit to see if the microphone capsule works. The goal was to measure voltage fluctuations at the output with a voltmeter as I yell into the capsule. For this I used a op amp follower to match the output impedance of the capsule. As I yelled into the capsule there were no voltage fluctuations at the output. (I am aware that a JFET should be used I tried it with a JFET and it also did not work (the JFET might be faulty though but this is a different story)). My question is essentially if my microphone capsule is dead? It shows no signs of working whatsoever. Two 9 Volt batteries are used and a 1MOhm resistor. enter image description hereenter image description here enter image description here enter image description hereenter image description here

Best Answer

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OK, try saying the word "push" in front of the capsule and see if the flow of air from the "p" registers at DC. – Andy aka

The voltage on the meter keeps fluctuating. When I say push it does seem to go up a bit but I am not completely certain. it goes from 1.8mV to about 4 mV

I suspect that it may be working then. – Andy aka

Ok. After yelling push into it it does go up to about 100mV. The only question I have remaining is why does it slowly fall from 100mV to 0mV when I stop yelling? Is it because the voltage follower needs time for the negative feedback to bring it back? (What I am wondering is why does it not happen instantaneously)

No, it's because you are measuring DC and your multimeter will naturally have a slow response. That's why I asked you to say a word that begins with "p" because saying it naturally forces a column of air into the microphone and, that column of air is very low in frequency. Hold your hand an inch away from your mouth and say push, bush, dush and you will have the three most onerous consonant sounds that plague recording engineers.

I think its working so I will mark your answer as accepted.