Is there a “standard connector” for SPI, in a similar way to the “standard Qwiic connector” for I2C


I really love the "standard Qwiic connector" initially intoduced by Sparkfun for connecting / "chaining" I2C components. Really amazing and super convenient in day to day life when developing electronics.

I was wondering if there is something similar for SPI? I was looking for it online, and could not find any. The only thing I found was a discussion on a Sparkfun forum: . The main content was:

What about a solution where you have a "12 pins connectors" (or a
number like this):

  • GND
  • PWR
  • MOSI
  • MISO
  • SCK
  • 7 more digital IO pins, chosen among the "boring" pins which do not have too many special capacities. On many modern MCUs (Artemis for
    example), there are often more pins than we need and / or more pins
    than broken out on the development boards, so that would not hurt.

Then, what about each "receiving end" have a small "7-pairs-of-pads"
array and / or a DIP and / or another way to select which CS/SS to use
for which SPI peripheral?

A solution like this would allow fast prototyping for up to 7 SPI
devices on the same cable system. That would be enough for very many

Do you know if something similar already exists? If not, do you think that the suggestion made there would be reasonable? Or is there any problem with this approach?

Best Answer

No, there are no standards for I2C or SPI connectors and their pinouts.

What you are referring to would be manufacturer specific.

If you just want something that is commonly used like Qwiic, take a look at Pmod or whoever makes modules that utilize SPI buses.