Resistors – Identifying Non-Inductive Ceramic Resistor


I found some resistors in my stash which are similar to those ceramic resistors advertised as non-inductive resistor on the internet:

  • Is this a non-inductive ceramic resistor?
  • How do I determine the inductance of this resistor or roughly guesstimate?
  • What does the bottom right marking means?

Best Answer

Is this a non-inductive ceramic resistor?

Looks like it

How do I determine the inductance of this resistor or roughly guesstimate?

Run a square wave through it and look at the rise times, or do a frequency sweep and characterize the roll off with a known amplitude. Smart tweezers might also work. Or try this:

Basically you have a series RL circuit and you know the resistance (20mΩ) You need to find L.

What does the bottom right marking means?

Probably company or product logo