Linear regulator drawing power when powered from output only


I have a microcontroller circuit with a 3.3v linear regulator providing power when run by a 5v supply, the circuit can also be run directly from a 3v battery which connects to the output side of the regulator.

I have found that when powered from the battery the regulator consumes 20mA.

Is there a proper way of designing this type of circuit so that when powered by the battery the linear regulator is isolated and doing nothing?

I am trying to keep the circuit design as low cost as possible so I would like to stick with a cheap 3.3v regulator and change the circuit some other way.

Any advice would be appreciated,

Best Answer

A few options:

  • find a regulator that tolerates 'back feeding' and consumes less current in that situation
  • isolate the regulator with a (schottky) diode. this will cause some voltage drop that might need compensation. A primitive way to do that is to put the same type of diode in the ground lead of the regulator.
  • automatically switch between the regulator and the battery, for instance with a swiitch (which might double as a on-off switch).