LM7805 outputting ~2.5v

arduinopower supplyvoltage-regulator

I tried building a basic power supply on my breadboard using the schematic for SparkFun's Breadboard Power Supply (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/8376).

My setup is:

  • Hooked up 10uF capacitor to VIN and GND
  • Hooked up 0.1uF capacitor to VOUT and GND
  • Hooked up GND and VOUT to the voltage rails on the breadboard
  • Hooked up Arduino UNO's 5v and GND pins to voltage rails

A Fritzing diagram is here: http://www.chris-cartwright.com/BadReg.fzz

This setup works fine without the Arduino load. Once the Arduino is connected, the voltage drops down to about 2.5v.

I'm not sure what is wrong with the circuit. My load readings are about 17mA.

I do not have access to an oscilloscope to check the circuit with, but I don't think oscillation is my issue given how similar my circuit is.

Best Answer

PeterJ's response to my question had the answer: LM7805 outputting ~2.5v

My battery was dying/dead. A new 9v battery solved the problem.