Low power timer circuit for solar tracking


I'm making a solar based device but it needs to be aligned according to sun's position in sky , the whole assembly needs to move around 11 degree/hr.
So I was thinking of using a timer circuit (low power) to power motor (stepper) after short time period.
Now for powering the batteries I'm thinking of using wind energy as my project will be placed in open space (terrace etc).
I need your help in suggesting switching circuit with low power consumption which remains in dead state when inactive.

Best Answer

It seems you want to count hours, then look for RTC ICs (Real time clocks ICs). A common IC easy to use is the DS1307. But there are others ICs with better low power characteristics, here some suggestions:

UPDATED: For example the DS1375 is a RTC with alarm, you can connect the output SQW/INT to a darlington transistor and this to the switch (relay). The duration of the square wave output signal must be adjusted to get the 11 degrees pro hour that you need. In this case the device must be configured via external I2C and to prevent loss the configuration data use a small CR battery.