LTspice Diode Bridge Rectifier Input Oscillation Problem


I've made a LTspice model of a diode bridge rectifier, but when I simulate my circuit, the input voltage is oscillating.

Here is my schematic, along with the simulation result of the voltage at node 3 (marked with an arrow.)

enter image description here

When I zoom in on these weird parts, I can see that it is definitely some kind of oscillation:

enter image description here

I've already tried changing the position of the ground, changing the solver to an alternate solver, and introducing ESR to the capacitor.

The problem seems to be correlated with the capacitor, since when I set a lower capacitance, the output gets better. The output also gets better when I set the capacitor ESR to a few ohms, but that is not very realistic.

I also tried with different diode models, and the problem persists.

Does anyone have an idea what could be the problem?

Best Answer

You're getting ringing from the diodes switching off in conjunction with the line inductance (and resonating with the diode capacitance when blocking- maybe 50pF or so). If you add a snubber like 100\$\Omega\$ in series with 47nF across the bridge rectifier input it should go away, mostly or entirely. It's probably unrealistic to have 200uH with zero parallel capacitance as that component of the line impedance but if that is your model, maybe you need to use it.

Frequently, in audio equipment, the diodes are paralleled with a small capacitor to prevent the EMI from showing up as a nasty 100Hz/120Hz buzz in the sound.