Mass storage mode for an SD card connected to a MSP430G2553 chip


Right now I have a program that stores values obtained from the on chip ADC to a SD card. The card is connected like the diagram shown in this PDF:

I am planning to connect a UART-to-USB chip (FTDI or MAXIM's) so I can send data to a PC as well.

So the question is, is it possible for the PC to read the SD card through the microcontroller similar to the way that MP3 players act like mass storage devices when they are connected to PC?

Here's a diagram for clarity:

[SD card] <–> [MSP430G2553] <–> [FTDI chip] <–> [PC]


Best Answer

Not with a USB-Serial adaptor. That is a USB communications device class (CDC), not the USB Mass Storage Device class.