Measure LPG (LP Gas) level using an ultrasonic sensor. Which sensor


I need to measure the liquid level of LPG through a thick 4000/8000/45000 stationary tank. They already have flowmeters but they are easily tampered. I need to be able to know how much Gas is in the tank (1% tolerance). I found some ultrasonic sensors Online that are designed to work with thick LPG tanks (at least they say) but they do not answer my emails and I was not able to source them.

Does anyone have experience with these sensors? Does anyone know of a sensor that works for such tanks?

If there is some other tamper proof method I could also use that. The floater sensing method is easily tampered so it's not an option.


Best Answer

pressure gauge at the bottom is no better than any weighing machine, if you want to do it using pressure then use differential pressure sensor, one at the bottom and one at the top then difference is the lpg level, if you want to go for non-invasive type then there is ultrasonic type sensor most widely used for this purpose.