Measuring Q and Bandwidth of an RLC series circuit using Oscilloscope


I have a HNC Lab assignment coming up. As part of the prep for the lab work we have been given an RLC series circuit for which we had to calculate some values such as volt drop , Wn, Q and Bs, which I've since done. We then have to use simulation software, in this case Multisim, to simulate the circuit and compare the values measured to the values calculated.

Currently I'm stuck on measuring q factor and bandwidth within Multisim. I'm assuming an oscilloscope should be used but I'm unsure where it should be connected and how to interpret the plot received. I've been searching google for a couple of days but cannot find any information.

The values of the circuit are R 500Ohms, L 56mH, C10nF, Vs 5Vpk @ 10KHz.
I used Wn = 1/ Sqrt(LC) to calculate the resonant frequency, which came to 42.258k. I've confirmed this within multisim.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

Bandwidth is an AC parameter, so you should run an AC sweep to find it. I haven't used Multisim in years, but I seem to recall there being a Simulation menu, and it was in there. From there you can calculate Q using the definition \$Q=\dfrac{f_r}{\Delta f}\$.