Mesh analysis with 3 loops

circuit analysis

enter image description here

This one has 3 loops. I need to assign a direction (e.g clockwise), form 3 equations and solve simultaneously. But I can't seem to do this question.
There's no voltage source on the third loop. Any help?

Best Answer

First hint refer to diagram below, can you find the voltage drop across R3. If the values of all R and V is given.

enter image description here

Edit : Second hint refer to your original diagram, (I3 - I1)(30) + I3(20) + (I3 - I2)(40) = 0. Refer to diagram below for the direction of the current assumed. Try browsing through this link for better understandings. enter image description here


Refer to the picture below if you should get the correct equation by following the steps in the image Image Sourceenter image description here

I feel that you are asking a fundamental question in electrical engineering, that's only reason for me not to give you a direct answer or solution instead I'll try my best to guide you to get the solution.