Miniature heater with more-or-less constant temperature. Need tip on element


I'm a software engineer with very basic knowledge of electronics.
I have a project in which I want to make a small (cylinder of length about 100-150mm and diameter 20-30mm), localized heater that stays at an absolute temperature of about 50-60ºC.

I researched beforehand, but I'm not sure I understand everything I've found.
Would a thermal cutoff work? I know I could also use a resistor, but doesn't the temperature produced vary depending on the ambient air temperature?

Basically, my question is how can I control the max temperature of the heating element with the smallest possible solution?

Best Answer

You can use PTC heating element like this. They come in all sizes and shapes, including flat flexible ones. The best thing about them is that they are self-stabilizing - temperature increases their resistance and therefore causes negative feedback.