MOSFET – Simulating MOSFET Linear Region in LTspice


I have a question regarding a mosfet simulation I am trying to perform.

Here is the circuit in question.

enter image description here

We can see that Vd=1kV , Vs=0V and Vg=10V(it is a pulsed source)

Now to my understanding I should be seeing the 1kV at the output when the we have the saturation equation satisfied. enter image description here

When I simulate it on the other hand I do not see that response.

Here is the response I see: enter image description here

Best Answer

Your circuit is a source follower. This means that the voltage at the source "follows" the gate. In fact it lags behind by a couple of volts so, if the gate is at (say) 10 volts you might see 6 to 8 volts (typically) at the source.

A source follower has no voltage amplification just like an emitter follower has no voltage amplification. If you want either to act as a switch then, the gate needs to be driven with respect to the source by 10 volts.

  • Your circuit is operating in the saturation region
  • The MOSFET's triode/ohmic region is where it acts as a switch: -

enter image description here

Image from this question and answer. Or from this answer: -

enter image description here

The answer explains that the saturation region for a BJT is not the same region for a MOSFET.