MPU-9150 (IMU) – what happens at fullscale range boundaries


We're debating the use of the MPU-9150 IMU in an application. This IMU has a user settable full scale range for the accelerometer (e.g. 2g, 4g, etc) and gyroscope (200dps, 400dps, etc).

Suppose I set the values at 2g and 200dps – what happens at the boundaries of these ranges? Are the values ceiling/floored (i.e. an acceleration of 3g-4g results in 2g sent to back from the sensor), or do the values roll over?

Best Answer

The MPU 6050 pegs at either end of the range (you can see the red series flat lining):

enter image description here

I assume the 9050 does the same, though haven't tested it. We use the 6050 in production.