Need help identifing IC’s and symbols from a diagram

digital-logicintegrated-circuitsymbol [~]

I am tring to make a circuit and need to purchase the required components but there are some IC's that I can not identify. I tried to google them up but I haven't found anything helpful yet.I also can't understand a few symbols on the diagram, and I want to know what they represent.
the top 3 images are the components.
the bottom 2 imaged are the symbols. what does the green triangle mean? im guessing that the pentagonal blue block is a direct input but i am not sure, also whats the red circle above it?.
in the bottom most image, are the red and blue boxes (with 1 and 0's in them) input as well? and what are the smaller red and blue boxes under them?
thats it for now. i'm sorry if these questions are very basic, i am new to this so bear with me.

enter image description here

Best Answer

  1. The three components above are Integrated Circuits, or more vulgarly chips. If you want to search them on Internet for each one, add the 'datasheet' word to the one in question (Can't see the numbers clearly, but they seem 4532, 4508, 4572).

  2. All the other question you asked seem to be, to some extent, specific to a certain software that has been used to make these diagrams. If you don't know, try to know what software was used to do the job, and then get to its help/manual/documentation.