NEMA 17 motor not turning

multimeterstepper motor

I just bought a NEMA 17 motor and some DRV2285 drivers and am following this tutorial.

Originally, the problem was that the stepper motors weren't turning, only vibrating. I was able to adjust the voltage using a multimeter. Now, all my voltage values are reading zero from the motor driver. I verified that my multimeter wasn't the culprit by checking my 12 V, 2 A power supply that I'm using to power my driver. Now, the stepper motor won't turn too. How do I get my stepper motor working? Any help would be appreciated.

Here is the code I am using:

// Include the AccelStepper Library
#include <AccelStepper.h>

// Define pin connections
const int dirPin = 5;
const int stepPin = 4;

// Define motor interface type
#define motorInterfaceType 1

// Creates an instance
AccelStepper myStepper(motorInterfaceType, stepPin, dirPin);

void setup() {
    // set the maximum speed, acceleration factor,
    // initial speed and the target position

void loop() {
    // Change direction once the motor reaches target position
    if (myStepper.distanceToGo() == 0) 

    // Move the motor one step;

I am using the wiring shown in the article I linked above, except my DIR pin is in pin 5, and my STEP pin is in pin 4 because pins two and three are being used:

wiring diagram

Best Answer

This morning, I changed the driver and it worked!

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