Netduino plus 2 compatible gps/gsm module


I have a netduino plus 2 board and I am trying to send gps location with gprs to my server.I am a java programmer by profession,but recently I got interested in IoT and m2m communications.I would like to know if I can use the below shield for the netduino plus 2 , though its mentioned for arduino.I just want to make sure I purchase the right parts.Or if anyone could suggest me the right parts to purchase for my gps+gsm tracking project.

here is the shield which I found that has gps & gsm.

Best Answer

I use a GPRS Shield from SeeedStudio and the GPS Shield from Iteadstudio (Just need to change the serial ports used so they play nicely together)

I initially trialled the "Netduino Driver For SeeedStudio GSM Shield" on Codeplex but now use the CodeFreak Out SeeedStudio GPRS Driver which is available via NuGet or as source code on Github.

I use the NetMF Toolbox NMEA driver on codeplex with a couple of mods. When the serial port reports an error I flush the inbound buffer and I also return the Horizontal Dilution of position (hDoP)

(I would post the NuGet, GitHub & NetMF toolbox links but don't have enough reputation points)

Bryn @ devMobile