OpenOCD : how to know if the LPT-JTAG adapter is in sync


My openocd config file has the following content

interface parport
gdb_port 3333    
gdb_memory_map enable
gdb_flash_program enable

source [find board/mcb1700.cfg]

when I launch openOCD with this config file I get follow

enter image description here

The JTAG adapter is a wiggler clone.

Does this confirms if the JTAG-adapter is in sync with target?

How/Where to reduce the adapter and target communication speed?

I'm unable to program/Erase the LPC1768 target via openOCD.

Best Answer

Does this confirms if the JTAG-adapter is in sync with target?

OpenOCD would otherwise print diagnostic messages: Polling target failed [...].

How/Where to reduce the adapter and target communication speed

It is already at a low 10 kHz. You can change it in ther terminal (port 4444) or in the config file with:

adapter_khz 500

More than 500 kHz is not recommended - the MCU runs at 4 MHz by default and requires JTAG clock to be lower than CCLK/4.

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