Output characteristics of power transistors

fetigbtpower electronics

Output characteristics for power mosfets and IGBT

The book about electronics that I'm currently reading only briefly mentions IGBTs and power mosfets(such as the VMOS, or the HEXFET), and gives no depiction of the output characteristics. The image above is the one I found online. Is it even correct? It seems to me that they are essentially the same as for ordinary mosfets, only the gate voltages being substantially higher here since these are power devices.

Best Answer

power mosfet behave like normal mosfet, but look on the datasheet on the right, power mosfet got a real high gain in current.

These devices can handle a lot of current as you can see hundreds of amp, a normal mosfet can barely handle over 500 mA. So these output stage mosfet are use to power motor and high current device.

Regards, MathieuL.