Please help with Identifying the diode


I am having trouble identifying this component. I think its a diode. But I am not sure since I hardly know much about electronic components.

The Component says "22-16 U2" and then has a symbol on it.

I know 22-16 is actually a wire gauge or size. But I am not sure if that is what it is referring to.

Any help would be appreciated.

When I tested it with the diode setting on my multimeter it showed a voltage drop on both directions.
So Me thinking its a diode … thinks its gone bad… but is it really a diode, and what do the markings mean?

I have a photo of it. But I guess since I am new to this forum I do not have enough reputation points… Bummer But I can email the photo to anyone willing to help.

Best Answer

Maybe an SS16. 60V, 1A Schottky diode.

Datasheet here

Does the package look something like this ?

enter image description here