Pocket AVR Programmer + PIC32MX


Is it possible (and how) to program a PIC32MX chip with a pocket AVR programmer?

Best Answer

As delivered, no, because the AVR programmers are coded to assume the AVR SPI programming protocol, which is not compatible with the PIC programming protocol.

If you had enough hardware hacking to change the pins around, and enough software development skills to build a new version of the firmware to talk the PIC protocol, and a programmer that had updateable firmware, then it would probably be possible to get from "here" to "there" with enough effort invested.

The Wikipedia article on "in circuit serial programming" gives a brief overview of the differences: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In-circuit_serial_programming

My advice is: Get a PIC programmer. If money is tight, try eBay or another source of cheap-but-usually-working equipment; perhaps a local hacker swap meet.