Power failure/resumption circuit


My senior colleagues and I designed a circuit to sound an alarm when mains goes off and sound another alarm when main resumes. I found two different circuits online: one for power failure detection and the other for power resumption. I merged the two circuits together to get this power failure/resumption circuit:

power failure/resumption

I have not built it yet. Will this circuit work? What are some tips for best practices with circuits like this one?

Best Answer

Best practices? At your apparent skill level, give up.

I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but:

  1. You're dealing with lethal amounts of energy from a wall plug (true for any country).
  2. You copied/pasted gibberish for us to proofread, presumably because you didn't recognize it yourself. How are we to know that you won't be similarly sloppy with your physical wiring?

Now, if you really want to continue this, I STRONGLY recommend that you at least ditch the custom power supply and use a small prefab wall-wart / power-brick / DC supply / plug-pack / whatever-you-guys-call-them instead. That'll prevent people from getting zapped.

Then, and only then, you can slowly redesign the circuit from scratch, learning as you go. As a hint, I would be tempted to use an RC circuit for both functions that you're looking for. (ask a different question to learn what that is; don't use the comments here for that) I would expect the supply to turn on and off relatively quickly while the RC circuit reacts more slowly; the difference tells you which alarm, if any, to activate. (ask another question about detecting that difference)