ESP32 Power Switching Circuit – Design and Implementation


I've designed the power supply section for powering an ESP32 board and for switching between USB Power and 5V external power, would this circuit be sustainable and work properly?

enter image description here

Best Answer

That should be OK, but it would be safer to add another diode to keep USB power from flowing your internal supply. If you're concerned about efficiency, you can replace the diodes with "ideal diodes" such as the MAX40203.

Of course, this is still simply voting according to which supply is higher. There's also options such as TPS2105-EP if you want more fine-grained control; with a fairly light external load on it so it doesn't float, you could probably use the input you want to prioritize as the select line (e.g., use USB power if it's there, but use internal power only if USB power is unavailable).

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