Programming a Baby Orangutan using Arduino Uno


I have the following setup:
Arduino UNO without the chip:
Arduino UNO
Notice that the Atmel chip is missing.

And i have a Baby Orangutan:

The orangutan burned with Arduino Uno R3 Bootloader.

I connected Orangutans PD0 (RX) and PD1 (TX) to the Uno's D0 (RX) and D1 (TX) so that i can program the orangutan using Arduino AVR programmer.

When I'm connecting my Uno to the PC using a USB Cable, it's being recognized as a Uno R3 even when the chip is off, becuase the Orangutan has a Uno bootloader.

Now the problem is when I'm trying to upload a sketch it sais:

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00


The following pins are connected:

> Uno      -->   Orangutan  
> D1 (TX)  -->   PD1 (TX)  
> D0 (RX)  -->   PD0 (RX)  
> 5V       -->   VIN  
> GND      -->   GND  
> RST      -->   PC6 (RST) 

Following: Baby Orangutan B Pin Mappings.

Best Answer

From your description and the first photograph, your Uno and Orangutan do not have their Ground lines connected. This could be an oversight in your description, but if not, two circuits need to have a common reference for this kind of programming link to work. Wire the GND pins of the two boards together if you haven't already.

To program boards similar to the Baby Orangutan, here are the connections I use from my Uno with the MCU removed:

> Uno    -->   Other  
> TX     -->   TX  (*note)  
> RX     -->   RX  (*note)  
> 5V     -->   Vcc  
> GND    -->   GND  
> RST    -->   RST  

*note: On at least one board, the TX and RX lines needed to be reversed.