Programming FabISP Attiny44 with Arduino


Is there a way to program the Attiny44 on a FabISP board using an Arduino board? I read through a few online tutorials, and the ones that even mention using the Arduino as an ISP for an Attiny44 don't mention the issue of programming a chip that's meant to be clocked at a different speed (12 MHz)than the Arduino itself.

I would like to do this with the components I have if at all possible; I'm a poor student with no job, and I've unfortunately spent a lot of money on parts already. I also don't know anyone who has an AVR programmer, so that's out of the question.


Best Answer

Section 19 of the ATtiny24/44/84 datasheet, "Memory Programming", subsection 5, "Serial Programming", gives the minimum pulse width for ISP. Based on the values given (a minimum of 3 clock pulses for high and low each for a system clock >= 12MHz) the ISP clock must be no higher than 2MHz. As long as you can find a programming algorithm that respects that (and most do), you can use it to program the device.