Read AS3953 NFC EEPROM when the chip is not supplied


I want to read/write AS3953 (NFC chip) through SPI (MSP430) and PCD (Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini).

No problem for the first part (through MSP430 SPI). but when I want to read EEPROM values trough PCD, I have just a "bip" from my smartphone and the applications I use(NFC tag info, Nfc reader, ….) cannot read the tag.

The same behaviour with the constructor demokit.

Am I missing something to perform PCD-EEPROM read write ? Datasheet

Actual Configuration word is: 7b 48 04 1c

Best Answer

I'm in a similar situation (AS3953, ATtiny85, SPI) and asked AMS for support. They suggested to use transparent mode (26 13 08 00 as the configuration word) and a phone should be able to read it. My phone does not. And my reading of the datasheet would make 26 13 18 00 transparent mode.

Anyway, this might work for you...give it a try.