Safe line IR laser which will be seen from 15 meters by camera module


image 1

What characteristics (wavelength, mW) IR line laser should have to:

  1. be seen by camera module from 15 meters outdoor in day-light too
  2. safe for eyes
  3. line as big as possible
  4. thickness of line should be enough to see from 15 meters 1280×720 camera

Camera characteristics:

  1. 1280×720
  2. 60 fps
  3. I don't know what lens characteristic should be (relative to laser?)
  4. I will use interference filter of laser wavelength

Camera module itself

As I understand it should be combination of lens and laser. Blind zone should be as small as possible.

Best Answer

I'm going to put this as an answer, it feels more like a comment. (they are getting too long)

If I was designing a laser system for outdoor use with public access, then I'd have to assume a worse case scenario. In this case that would be some idiot sticking a screw driver into the spinning mechanism, stopping it, and then looking in to see how it works. In which case 5mW is too much. 25 uW sound's like a safe number.