Diodes – Selecting Diode with Vf~300mV at 100uA Forward Current for Zero Crossing Circuit


I would like to build for educational purpose the circuit described here.

enter image description here

I hit a snag for selecting diodes D1 and D2.

The author of the paper recommends:

Select the anti-parallel diodes. Choose diodes which will provide at least ± 350-mV forward voltage with the 100 µA supplied through R1.

It makes sense in the context of the design.


Going to the diode datasheet and selection filter on Mouser and Digikey, I cannot find one diode that meets that requirement.

Furthermore I still have to find one diode where the datasheet mention Vf as such a low current. If someone knows a diode with Vf in order of ~300 mV at 100 uA forward current I will be glad to hear about it.

Best Answer

If someone knows a diode with Vf in order of ~300 mV at 100 uA forward current I will be glad to hear about it.

Pick any diode you have handy. Bias it forward through a 100k resistor to +11V from a power supply. Measure the forward diode voltage. If it's above 0.3V, you're good. And you will be good. Sometimes you just have to measure things to get a feel for how far from the requirement you are.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Well, here I got a completely random diode from my junkbox:

The diode bias circuit Voltmeter readout of the forward voltage

Since 0.488V > 0.3V, that diode would work. As would any one of similar size, as long as it's not a Zener diode.