RF Diodes LTSpice Mixer – Self-Biasing Diode in Mixer Applications


I am working to understand this application's mixer design note. An image of the mixer is shown below. It uses two transistors and a hybrid ring coupler (rat-race coupler).

enter image description here

What I am having trouble understanding is the λ/4 RF chokes near the diodes. In the application note, the reason for the chokes is to prevent diode self-biasing. The reason the RFCs are needed because "At higher LO power levels, the diodes are self-biased and show undesired conversion loss and isolation values" (Page 5).

I am not sure I fully understand what self-biasing means regarding diodes. My current understanding is that if the voltage of the incoming waves exceeds the forward bias of the diode, then half of the waves are essentially clipped by the diode leading the wave to have a non-zero DC bias. See the LTspice schematic and output below.

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Vout still looks somewhat like a sine wave, but now it has a DC bias around maybe 1.75 to 2 V. My questions are:

  1. Is this understanding of DC bias correct, and
  2. How could I add an RF choke to my LTspice circuit below to try and remove the DC component of my signal?

EDIT: To clarify, I am not trying to simulate the rat-race coupler above in LTspice, my main goal is to observe self-biasing in a Schottky diode in LTspice. It doesn't necessarily have to be the exact circuit of the rat-race coupler. If I need to have transmission lines in order to observe this effect, please let me know.

Below is the circuit with the inductor included. The signal is still shifted up so that the mean is nonzero

enter image description here

enter image description here

But if I include a 2 V DC component in my voltage source (Vin), that DC voltage is shorted by the inductor as expected and does not show up at Vout. So am I even observing a bias in my diode in my previous simulations?

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

Consider what may happen if the ring is not grounded via those \$\lambda/4\$ chokes...

Doppler radar requires I.F. output exdending to 0 Hz. Both R.F. input port and L.O. input port could easily be coupled with a capacitor, leaving the ring high-impedance DC. Where will I.F. output currents go when the ring is floating?.
I.F. output voltage will appear at RF or LO port, or both.

If either R.F. port or L.O. port had a DC path to ground, those chokes would not be needed. OP's drawing is incomplete - the block diagrams showing RF input and LO input do not clearly establish a path-to-GND.

The "DC bias" mentioned in the app note is not due to rectification. It is due to an imperfectly-balanced mixer. It is true that those diodes conduct for nearly half-a-cycle, but they should do so simultaneously. Non-simultaneous diode conduction causes a DC component at the I.F. port. It also causes some L.O. power to appear at the R.F. port too.