USB 2.0 Trace – Should You Via Shield a USB 2.0 Trace?


im looking into designing some usb 2.0 devices and have been wondering about how far id need to go to ensure that for good practice that it would ideally pass any test thrown at it.

I use altium designer so im able to setup the impedance profile in the stackup and have it calculate all the figures i need with respect to the fab houses stack up.

my stackup is signal / gnd / gnd / signal with filled ground pour on the signal layers as well.

from what i understand
-keeping the groundpour at a distance (3W rule) from the usb lines would be ideal (prevent change of impedance).
-ensure no other traces pass through them on any layers below.

What i'm uncertain about is whether i should have a via shield around the lines and if not what cases need shielding like that ?

EDIT: I wasnt clear it is USB HIGHSPEED.

pcb updated
bottom layer

Best Answer

The high speed USB does require a bit of care which means:

  • length matching D+/- traces!
  • filter common mode noise from D+/- traces e.g. with a small CMC and bonding the USB shield to chassis ground
  • stick to the required impedance
  • keep sufficient distance with any other signals (3H minimum)

Via fencing won't hurt, but it must not be to close. otherwise you will cause a similar unintentional reduction of line impedance as with pouring GND beside the traces as you mentioned in your question. Closer than 3 H would be not a good choice unless you can properly recalculate trace widths for proper impedance.

If you have tons of free space around D+/-, then go for it, but it is not definitely necessary. Keeping your distance to those traces and filtering should be the standard and first things to do.

It is fine to cross the D+/- lines with other things on L4. they are well shielded from one another and they don't even use the same reference planes if you have double ground planes.