SIM908 GPS STATUS “Location Unknown” Error

at commandsavrcgpssim900

I'm using a SIM908 module on a custom board and am having trouble getting the GPS location from it. Everything else works on the module. I can send SMS, make calls and send and receive data from a webpage. But GPS doesn't seem to work. I am using the antenna pad directly on the chip with a passive antenna.

When I call AT+GPSSTATUS? I receive Location Unknown no matter what I do. I tested this outdoors with clear view to the sky. I expected it would at least give Location Not Fix but Location Unknown seems to indicate GPS is not on, even though I call AT+CGPSPWR=1 and AT+CGPSRST=0 and get "OK" back almost every time. A few times, it has returned ERROR GPS READY, which I can't find anywhere in the datasheets, but I assume is due to not having reset the SIM908 while testing new code.

I have posted my test code below. Am I missing something?

// DDDR initializations (not included)
// UART Initialization
// GSM Power on
PORTD |= (1<<PORTD3);
PORTD &= ~(1<<PORTD3);
// Returns: "AT" and "OK"
// So far all good
// GPS Power on
// Returns "OK"
UWriteString("AT+CGPSRST=0\r");  // Have tried with =1 with no luck
// Returns "OK"
// Returns: "Location Unknown"
// Returns: "2,160745,0.000000,N,0.000000,E,0,0,99.989998,187.000000,M,-187.000000,M,,0000

Best Answer

To conclude, I see three possible options here:

1.) Your chip is damaged

2.) Trace between U.FL and chip is not 50 ohm controlled

3.) Your chip has been reset when trying to connect to network.

Take oscilloscope and how does the signal look on the power supply pins. You need to compensate 2A peak with bypass capacitors.

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